
Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Battlefield 4, CS:GO, Life Nowadays

Woo!!! Talk about being lazy to blog, it's been too damn long!

Well I haven't been active recently doing events, photoshoots, darting or anything outgoing and social at all but I sure have been social on the cyber gaming platform! Haha. Been immersing myself in games like CS:GO (Counter Strike Global Offensive) and the recently launched Battlefield 4! (I go with the username: JazzerVall)

Screenshot of my online friends and I winning a good match in CS:GO

They're awesome games which I'll never get tired of! It's even better when you form a team with your friends and work together towards victory! You know how people go out and party or head somewhere nice to chill with friends?! Well, we party on Skype, with at least 8 people in the conference call, form 2-3 squads in Battlefield and work together to win! Funny thing is how we have to take turns to talk otherwise we'll just be overlapping each other's speeches cause there's one too many of us in the call with two teams heading towards different checkpoints, giving different commands and etc... Haha. So imagine the chaos! LOL. Some of them we've met in real life after making friends on CS:GO and now more or less switched to playing BF4 ever since its launch. Some of them we've only played together online and have yet to meet in person. Online gaming is a great way to make friends too! We have a CS:GO group chat where we talk about anything under the sun from CS:GO to work, life, sex, jokes, ANYTHING!

Here's 10 of us in the call. LOL.
Anyway, if you don't already know about these awesome games, here's the Youtube links to a short intro and gameplay of these FPS Games! ^.^

Battlefield 4 -

Girls, consider letting gaming be a small part of your life! It's great for past time, and has a few good points too!

Save Money:
You save quite a lot of money since you're not out at clubs, bars or shopping for things we don't actually need!

Make Friends:
You get to make friends! Yes, there are the weird and creepy ones, but on general many are normal people. By normal I mean they're not some stalker, pervert or just trying to get your number just cause you're female.

Hone Your Teamwork Skills:
Although not playing together in person, being a team online sure as hell needs decent teamwork if you wanna win the game, not just personal skills. If everyone's skills are good, but there's no teamwork, you lose out. Having teamwork is one of the thins in life where we get to experience harmony and working together with other humans to achieve one goal. The best part? When you go from losing to claiming victory at the end cause everyone works together!

So guys and especially girls, try gaming! I know there are few female gamers around and I do hope more of us females would enjoy gaming as much as the guys do! Many at times it's so much better then dolling ourselves up to impress people who don't care. Think about it! :)

Haven't been going out much recently so there's little to no photos. Here's a few recent ones. :)

STGCC Event, working as the Ironettes!
Photo credits to Mr Zeng Bin!
I love this girl. Rina Yuki.

Photo Credits to Mr Anson Chew!
Photo credits to Mr Zeng Bin!

My furkids Shiro & Yoshi~

Till next time.


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