I've been battling with my dry, frizzy and extremely damage hair for a long while now due to frequent dyeing as I unfortunately inherited the "curse" of having premature white hair from my dad (Had it since I was 13 years old!).
The strong dyes and my naturally thick coarse hair means that without going for regular treatments, the condition of my hair becomes extremely horrible.
The strong dyes and my naturally thick coarse hair means that without going for regular treatments, the condition of my hair becomes extremely horrible.
Having a full time job and taking care of Tyrael while juggling to spend time with my family means it's hard to find the time for frequent trips to the salon therefore I've since neglected my hair and have left it unkempt. So I'm looking to The Scene Hair Salon to save my hair from becoming even worse! They kindly invited me to try out their services and I was really looking forward to having a pamper session for my locks.
The Scene is a fresh new and upcoming Korean Salon. I was delighted to know that The Scene specializes in Korean perms and styling; seeing that Korean ladies always rock such soft and flowy hairdos. I'm sure you've seen their natural wavy perms that looks effortless! Keyword is 'looks' because after my session I got to see how much effort my stylist put in to make my curls look perfect.
When I arrived, I was promptly escorted to a seat. Not long after, my stylist, Jade, came over and asked me about what I would like to do. Beforehand I've already decided to leave it up to them entirely as I was open to any new styles I could try. He examined my hair before deciding to give my hair a wash first to determine my true hair condition without the help of conditioners, and see if my hair is suitable for perming or any chemical procedures.
Checking my hair the second time after the wash to judge whether or not we could go forward with any chemical procedures such as perming of hair. After giving it a good look and thought, he decided that we should do a treatment this time round and have me come back in a few weeks' time for anything else as they did not want to risk ruining my hair with perming.
This had me impressed as they did not forcefully go ahead with perming despite my hair condition just to get more reviews on their perming services. The hairstylist, Jade, and In charge, Jack, took the time to explain to me what they recommend I do for this round's service sampling.
Very efficiently they applied the treatment and I was left with the heat machine for a little while to work it's magic.
Here are the steps for the DEESSE's [L.M] 3+1 Hair Treatment:
- The first step is to apply moisture and heat so that your hair cuticles will be larger for the next steps.
- Secondly, protein is applied to strengthen your hair.
- Third is to wash your hair before applying oil onto your hair as above will make it too thick.
- Fourthly, oil is applied to make the hair silky.After the 4 steps are completed, finally we wash the hair again and cover the cuticles with heat care or colour mask so that the chemicals applied doesn't get out.
- Yups, the bottle of water and comfy pillow sure made me feel comfortable at the salon!
- On my way to soft and silky hair.
Once the treatment is done, my hair is washed and dried to be ready for some awesome styling!
For this, I think my words would bore you so here's photo evidence of how my hair looked after the treatment and after styling by hairstylist Jade which he put in a lot of effort to make sure I walked out of the salon with great hair and feeling good!
My hair is saved! It's so so so much better here after treatment and I was also advised to chop off a 5cm of hair for my next visit to get rid of the ends of my hair.
The ever so patient and helpful Jack Chu who was there to guide me through the process and explain to me the steps and procedures by translating what Jade said in Korean. I almost felt like I was in Seoul, Korea as listening to the Korean Language made me felt like I was in a Korean drama! 
Thanks to my wonderful sis who accompanied me throughout and helped me to snap a few shots for this blog post! Thank you love~~
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Till next time,
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