I've always been conscious about my nose being flat, as I naturally have a flat nose bridge just like tons of Asian females out there.
I recently found out about a treatment dubbed by many as the
"5-minute Nose-Job" that allows me to have a higher nose bridge within minutes without any downtime and be back at my daily activities right away w
hile traditional nose jobs (rhinoplasty) will require you to take a week off to recover from the post-operative pain and swelling, the ‘modern rhinoplasty’ using fillers requires only a few minutes. This procedure has the added benefit of safety and is a good way of previewing how you look, before a nose job subsequently.
So I decided to go for the treatment to achieve a higher nose bridge and be rid of the flat nose! In this post, I'll show (many) photos of the procedure to show and walk you through how it's done! I also received
Jaw Botox treatment recommended by my aesthetic doctor to help slim down my jaw. :)
Below are some information on what fillers are:- (Click on the header to log on to the website for more detailed explanation!)
Many people confuse fillers and Botulinum Toxin. They could not be more wrong! Fillers are very simple in theory. As we age, our faces lose volume. An injectable filler simply “fills” in that volume. We make use of very fine needles to deliver the filler precisely to an area on your face, which needs that extra volume, hence the pain of the injection is also very minimal. The filler is composed usually of an inert material which your body is familiar with. The most commonly used filler is Hyaluronic Acid, which is found in Restylane and Juvederm. Hyaluronic acid is a natural compound which is naturally occurs in and under our skin. Fillers are composed of synthetic hyaluronic acid, which the body is able to metabolise and absorb, and hence is very compatible with our body.
Newer and more creative applications of fillers have been discovered, which has taken the art of using fillers beyond just replacing lost volume from aging. These include nose fillers for nose shaping, chin fillers for creating a desirable face shape and even breast fillers for augmentation.
Alright! Here we go!
Front Desk of TCS Clinic - THE CLIFFORD CLINIC |
Beautiful & Comfy Seats while you're being registered. |
Hallway towards the cozy waiting area for your appointment! |
My babysis Tabby busy on her cell while getting cozy at the waiting area! |
There's also a awesome view from the waiting area! Apologies for the overexposure on the windows! |
Getting comfy! |
My fashionable and beautiful sister who accompanied me to help with photos and giving me moral support! <3 td="">3> |
Here's the other side of the waiting area! |
Finally a photo that can show you the view from the waiting area! |
While waiting ~~~
I love this pillow, it was there for you to hold in case you feel nervous and etc! |
First of all, Dr Gerard Ee, a tall and handsome guy who also happens to be my real life friend (that's how I came to know about
TCS Clinic THE CLIFFORD CLINIC) from the FPS game I play, CS Global Offensive, patiently explained the procedure to me and find out what I wanted to do to my nose and I told him I need a higher nose bridge and etc. Halfway through the consultation my sis and I noticed a box of implants near his desk and asked if we could feel it. They were really soft and I asked if they would burst if punched or squeezed very hard. He punched the implants to show me how firm and strong the implants were! Haha. Obviously Tabby and I continued punching the implants in attempt to test them. It was kinda hilarious!
After the consultation, the nurse went on to apply the numbing cream on my nose area. The
Numbing Cream is really effective (takes effect within a mere few minutes) and throughout the whole procedure, the only pain i felt was when Dr injected the tip of my nose to make the tip more perky. As he worked upwards, the lesser the pain! The pain was similar to that of Red Ants' bite that's all! How relieved I was as I do not have a high threshold for pain, so if the pain for me was absolutely bearable, it would be a piece of cake for many of you!
Please note that fillers are temporary, not permanent like rhinoplasty and lasts from 9-12 months depending on how well you maintain it. Recommendation is to go for top-up every 6 months. Remember to try not to frown or touch your nose much for 1-2 days after the procedure.
Cost: $800
I had to photoshop this photo cause my eyebags and dark eye circles were just too bad! haha. Here's me happily waiting for the procedure to begin. :) |
Nurse removing the makeup on my nose and applying the numbing cream~ |
Waiting for numbing cream to take effect! looking at this photo, my hair getting drier and drier ... |
Dr Gerard on the job! His side profile very handsome right? |
Dr Gerard marking dotted lines on my nose to ensure straight and efficient injection to achieve the nose I want! |
Me checking in with the camera just before the procedure starts! :) PEACE! |
Dr Gerard injected my nose tip first to get the perky nose tip. The nose tip is the part where the pain is felt most. |
Perky nose tip achieved!
NOTE: There will be some swelling at the nose tip due to natural reaction from the nose as our noses are sensitive! Swelling usually goes down by 4 days and at 1 week. |
Dr Gerard injecting the rest of the nose bridge to create the higher nose bridge! |
Fillers injected and from here onward you can see the nose bridge already! ^.^ |
Dr Gerard massaging the nose to get it in shape and complete the effect! |
And here's the completed nose from the front and the nose bridge can be clearly seen! |
Side View. Before the fillers, my nose bridge started a little below my eye level. Now it's higher! |
Me and Dr Gerard! Here's the nose bridge! Also you can notice the nose tip starting to swell, but as mentioned, swelling usually lasts for a few days only! |
Here's a photo I collated to show you the Before & After injecting nose fillers! Photos taken on the same day.
Here's another photo from another angle. :)
I love my nose now! I just need to wait for the swelling at the nose tip to go down! ^.^
Now it's time for the Jaw botox procedure to help slim my jaw muscles! I have a chubby face and together with my jaw muscles, I look even chubbier so Dr Gerard recommended jaw botox! Dr told me the jaw botox is not 仙丹 (Deity's Pills) and effect is better seen from around 2 weeks onward but I notice some effect on the next day! Previously before Jaw Botox, when I look into the mirror and smile, I can see my face so chubby due to fats on my cheeks and jaw muscles. But after the botox my face not as chubby when I smile! Happy la!
Anyway, this time, instead of applying numbing cream, ice pack was all I need to numb the area for injection. Dr advised that during and after the botox, you'll get a very sour feeling in your jaw area. General guideline is that the sourness will go away within 1-2 days but mine went away within half an hour! For this procedure, I felt no pain at all! I'll show you why. After the numbing with ice pack, while injecting, Dr Gerard held a vibrator to my forehead to direct away your senses due to the vibrating and with that,
Please note that Jaw Botoxs are temporary, not permanent and lasts from 4-6 months depending on how well you maintain it. Avoid chewing too much hard foods. Recommendation is to go for top-up when necessary.
Cost: $800
Dr Gerard assessing where my jaw muscles are. |
He asked me to clench my teeth, release, clench again for a few times to feel where the muscles are. |
After marking the spot for injection, here comes my numbing source, THE ICE PACK! |
In this photo you can clearly see the nose bridge! hehe. Also you can see my wide jaw line... |
Dr holding the vibrator mentioned earlier to direct away my senses so I felt absolutely no pain at all! |
And that's the end of the procedures! Dr Gerard will do a follow up review in a weeks' time! :)
Here's my camwhore after the procedures and photos taken a day after the procedures. :)
Next time I might wanna go and do chin fillers to get a sharper chin!
Photos the next day while on an outing with my family to celebrate my mum's birthday. :)
Paiseh this photo on the nose too bright liao can't see the nose bridge! lol. But after the procedures, I find it easier to camwhore! Before I had to take a few times before I'm ok with the photo. Lol. |
Me & John bro~
TCS@Central Clinic is located at:
8 Eu Tong Sen Street
#11-90 The Central
Singapore 059818
The Clifford Clinic Is located at:
24 Raffles Place#01-03
Clifford CentreSingapore 048621
Operating Hours:
Mon to Fri: 10am to 8pm
Sat: 10 am to 2pm
Sun: Closed
Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays
Call Us: (65) 6532 2400
Whatsapp: (65) 8318 6332
Till next time!
Vall <3 b="">3>
I found your site when googling about Dr. Ee - to find out a bit more about him. In fact, I consulted him today for the first time and had few stuffs done too - botox on some parts of my face, jaw botox etc. Your nose filler reminds me that I had it done too myself about a year ago - and I'm glad you did it, it's the right choice for you! You said you may want to have chin filler done in the future, but based on my opinion, you should do botox/filler on your cheeks instead. A fineline particularly on your left cheek are obvious on several of your pics e.g, the one while Dr Ee assessing your nose. The fine line on your left cheek makes you look 'droopy and tired' kinda look. If I'm you, I certainly do something about that first, before focusing on the chin. Just my 2 cents' worth - from woman to woman ;)
Hi there! Thank you for taking the time to share your tips and opinions with me! :) Will definitely look into it!
Thank you! :)
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