Wow... Finally, I'm able to write my own labour experience, after going through this amazing phase of life as a woman.
It's been tough definitely, having to sacrifice many things ever since the start of pregnancy, enduring all the pregnancy symptoms and etc.
But every mother who had given birth will tell you that it's been a tough journey worthwhile!
But every mother who had given birth will tell you that it's been a tough journey worthwhile!
Anyway, as I'm writing this, Tyrael is 11 days old today! He's soundly asleep now on a pillow on my lap so I'm gonna grab this chance to blog about my labour experience before I get busy taking care of him again!
Nearing the end of my pregnancy, after I hit 37 weeks when the baby was considered matured, gynae said that it could be anytime from then and since then, I've been waiting anxiously everyday for the signs. Any sign.
Week 38 arrived, nothing. Week 39, still no definite signs of labour. Went for the weekly gynae visit on the 15th and we decided on a induction on the 18th since it's the due date! Everything was planned and set, we were to admit at 12am on 18th August to start the induction but labour signs appeared on the 17th instead!
17th August 2014
10.55am - I woke up out of nowhere as usual for the toilet break with pain and thought it was just the normal stomach aches and only had to clear bowels. But the pain was kinda different and it kept on coming back in waves and I soon realized they were contractions instead! I lied down and timed them for the next 2 hours before waking hubby up. At first I was still skeptical and unsure as I've been waiting for signs for like 2 weeks and nothing! When hubby woke, I told him about the pain and that it has lasted for 2 hours +! Hubby suggested I call my gynae, Dr Kee and ask for advice. Dr Kee said that since I'm already having contractions quite regularly, I can go in earlier instead of waiting till 12am.
So hubby and I went for a bath, packed all last minute stuffs, had our lunch and headed to the hospital.
4pm - We reached Mt. Alvernia hospital and checked in the delivery suite. Nurses and staffs were all very friendly and helpful! I was given the enema(the gel pumped into your anus to clear your bowels) and asked to hold for as long as I can before going to relieve myself. I only managed to hold for about 2mins and dashed into the toilet. Lol.
Thereafter they did a VE check to see if there's any dilation. I was 0cm dilated. Hubby and I were like alamak, this is going to be a long wait! So the first induction pill was inserted and all we had to do was wait!
While waiting hubby and I kept ourselves entertained by watching the Grand Final matches of the CS GO E-Sports Competition.
We kept ourselves entertained, had dinner and continued to wait. Contractions continued and slowly became stronger and stronger, closer and closer.
18th August 2014
12am - Nurses came to check and I was only 2cm dilated after so many hours! But they said 1st labour was usually slower and take a longer time so I had to have patience!
A second pill was inserted.
A second pill was inserted.
1.15am - The contraction got unbearable for me and I couldn't bear it any longer. Contractions were coming every 1-2mins and I had no interval to rest or recover from before another wave! It was agonizing! After having contractions since morning of the 17th, I finally asked for epidural to be administered!
2am - The anesthetist, Dr Lim,arrived and introduced himself, explained the side effects and hubby was asked to leave the room while the procedure was being done. We found Dr Lim quite humorous, but when it came to administering the epidural he was very serious and professional! I was being made to lie on my side and be curled up like a shrimp with my knees bent up and against my chest as much as possible, arching my back and have my head bent down as well. One of the midwives were holding me in place just in case I move. It is very dangerous to have sudden movements during the administering of epidural as there might be complications or become paralyzed or permanent nerve damage if administered wrongly.
For me, the administering of the epidural itself did not hurt at all, only equivalent to that of an ant bite as my contractions were so strong, it overshadowed the needle injection pain. Contractions are no joke! I was whining in pain while the Dr did his job. I have always heard stories of how painful getting the epidural administered was and therefore I was so scared and was tearing but apparently the contractions were just too strong!!
By 2.30am, the epidural took effect and I felt so so so much better! If I must say, epidural is kinda like Godsent! I could finally get some much needed rest. But it wasn't long before that my rest was disturbed by nausea, one of the side effects of epidural. I felt like I was in my 1st trimester again, it's like when you're on a boat having seasick constantly.
I endured through the nausea while both hubby and I tried to get some rest as it had been a long day. Poor hubby was woken up by me a few times when I felt like I was gonna vomit and wanted his moral support and comfort but nothing came out and those times were always when he just fell asleep. I forgot at what time was it that I finally vomited after hours of nausea. Lol. I felt much better and our wait continued all the way till morning.
9+am - Dr Kee came again and checked on me and to our surprise, announced that I was 8cm dilated and was ready to push in about another half an hour to one hour's time!!! Hubby and I got very excited and nervous!
I started shivering, also another side effect of the epidural. And maybe also cause I was so nervous and excited, eventually I shivered. Lol.
A while later, Dr Kee came back in to the delivery suite and told me I should start pushing with every contraction. I could feel the contractions in my back, the tailbone area and they were like very "sour sour, sng sng" type of cramps which I presume I had very bad back labour and I with every contraction I could feel something pushing down. I was told it was the baby's head descending.
Hubby came back from his smoke break and I was to push with every contraction, holding my breath and push for 10 seconds each time. Hubby stood beside me and was in charge of the counting.
"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10!" Hubby counted diligently and encouragingly.
This went on for about half an hour + or so... With epidural, the pushing part was hard work as I felt numb, so I had to imagine I was taking the biggest dump of my life and pushed with all my might! I felt like I was almost out of breath after every push, just like in the movies, I went "Hoo Hoo Hoo" and pushhhhhhhh.... The only difference was I didn't feel pain, only felt the intense pressure of baby descending down the birth canal, on his way to meet the world!
Dr Kee used vacuum extraction to help deliver Baby Tyrael so that it would help baby make his way out faster and safely as we noticed that his heartbeat was kinda dropping with every contraction. He also did an episiotomy to facilitate baby's head out.
The Magical Moment
Next thing I know, with one last long push, Baby Tyrael was out and placed on my chest. I reached out and held onto him, his body still covered with blood and feeling so slimy. The moment he came out, I felt a sense of relieve, happiness and joy. I burst out crying, I cried like crazy, I think I cried more than my baby! Haha. Hubby also teared, which is very very rare and I asked him to remember to be busy taking photos, to heck care me first. Haha.
Till today, every time I flash back and recall the moment my precious boy came out, the moment when I first saw him, I still find it so unbelievable and surreal. I feel so much emotions and joy every time I think back.
I delivered our baby, after 9 long months of pregnancy, we finally met our son! It was really such a wonderful feeling, I don't really know how to put it in words!
We are now parents! We are responsible for this tiny little creature!
Now that 11 days has passed since his birth, the maternity instinct and love for my baby has brought me to another level as a person!
I shall update again and write another post on being a new mum and etc. I have very little time on the com as most of the time I'm taking care of baby if not I'll be trying to catch some sleep while he sleeps.
Motherhood, tough job, but definitely worthwhile!
Here's photos of Tyrael's first moments and his progression till today!
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