Had a eventful Saturday!
Attended long time friend, darling Beatrice's baby girl's full month celebration!
I woke up feeling very grumpy and bad due to lack of sleep! Oh yes, pregnancy hasn't been very health friendly! Lol. I am almost severely sleep deprived!
I've forgotten what it's like to sleep for 8- 10 hours straight on any day. The routine now every day is waking up automatically every 3 hours and the like for pee or my eyes just open out of the sudden like a zombie being awaken. It feels as if baby is here already except I don't have to do the feedings, changing diapers and etc yet!
I posted a FB 'rant' status regarding this. LOL. Amazing how the body prepares you months before the baby actually arrives so you somehow would've gotten used to the sleepless nights!
Anyway, I managed to perk myself up to prepare and head to Baby Kerynne's full month at Beatrice's house.
Here's my #OOTD. Got this dress at $15 only from a Pasar Malam hubby and I were shopping at and it is really comfy! I kinda don't wear shorts anymore cause I either can't fit my current ones anymore or even those loose stretchable ones feels uncomfortable when wrapped around the hips and waist. So dresses are definitely the way to go!
It was great seeing Beatrice again and meeting baby Kerynne for the first time! Both mum and baby looks great! We caught up a bit and I bombarded her some questions about labour, baby, breastfeeding and etc. Haha.
Seeing an infant, it become even more real and dawned on me that in about 1 month's time or less, I would have my own infant, my baby, my child to love, care, and raise! Very excited and nervous!
I can't wait till Baby X's ready to come out! I mean, I'm kinda feeling like I'm done with pregnancy already because it's getting me so down and my whole body feels like it can't carry on anymore. I waddle when I walk, I can't get decent sleep, my pelvic bone hurts with every step I walk, I have acid reflux, feel dizzy at times and sometimes nauseous if unlucky and many more nasty pregnancy stuffs to be mentioned! So yes, I kinda want him out already! A few weeks more! Am currently at 34 weeks~ :D Counting down faithfully everyday!
Anyway, here's the lovely and adorable baby Kerynne!
After the event Hubby and I left to do some shopping, have his hair cut before we met up with our managers for dinner @ Paulaner's!
Yups, that's what these sinful indulgences does to us!
Anyway, here's a photo of hubby whipping up dinner sometime back with my baby boy Yoshi photobombing! Cutie pie knows when to make me smile! Hehe.
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